Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Welcome to The Photog Blog!!! My name is Derek Lindsey, future photographer extraordinaire. In this blog, I will be documenting my journey from camera newb to photog phenom. I intend to provide weekly updates chronicling my progress as a photographer, sharing the things I learn behind the lens. I will also be posting my favorite shots, with data, hoping to receive some constructive critism (emphasis on constructive.) So, before we get started, I would like to introduce myself.
My name is Derek Lindsey, I am a Pisces, and my journey into photography began officially on Feb. 1st, when I received shipment of my Canon EOS Rebel T3i. Since then, I have been somewhat obsessed. I had been researching photography for weeks, and the moment I heard that shutter for the first time, I was hooked. I find it fascinating how I can change how something looks with a few button presses and a turn of a dial. I now view the world so much differently, constantly thinking of what angles, aperture, shutter speed, focal length, etc would be best for capturing the moments occurring all around us. I still have a lot to learn about capturing that perfect moment, and invite everyone to join me and help me along my journey.
Now, before closing, I would like to acknowledge someone without whom this blog would have never started. If you have an interest in photography, you may (and if not, should) know the name Jeff Cable. I discovered JC (I can call him that cause we're buds now) while browsing photography tutorials on B&H's YouTube channel where some of the seminars he did in New York are posted. After seeing his amazing work and hearing him explain his methods, I felt like I was ready to tackle the world of pro level photography. Then I got my camera. Although I wasn't able to pick up the camera and blow myself away with amazing photos, he has given me a strong foundation upon which to develop my skills. After reading his blog, I decided to start my own as a way of tracking my progress and getting feedback from other photographers. So if you're reading this JC, I would like to thank you again for being an inspiration to me. And if you're not JC and you're reading this, check out his blog. And if you're not JC and you're reading this and you already read his blog, then check it again, you might have missed something. And to everyone else check out his blog. It's right here. >>>>
I look forward to taking this journey into photography, and I hope you'll join me for the ride.
Thanks for reading, and Happy Shooting!!!

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